[whatwg/fetch] access-conrol-allow-origin: * can be interpreted in two ways (#548)

access-control-allow-origin = #field-name / wildcard


field-name = token
token = 1*tchar
tchar contains `*`

It means "*"  can be interpreted in two ways.

1. Allow all headers.
1. Allow a header whose name is "*".

> 1. Let headerNames be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` and response’s header list.
> 1. If headerNames is `*` and request’s credentials mode is not "include", then set response’s CORS-exposed header-name list to all unique header names in response’s header list.
> 1. Otherwise, if headerNames is not null, failure, or `*`, then set response’s CORS-exposed header-name list to headerNames.

This sounds like

1. if _headerName_ is `*`, the symbol should be interpreted in the first way.
1. if _headerName_ contains `*` but _headerName_ is not `*`, the symbol should be interpreted in the second way.

I feel it confusing.

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