Re: [heycam/webidl] Replace serializers by toJSON and [Default] extended attribute (#323)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> +
+    To <dfn>create an inheritance stack</dfn> for [=interface=] |I|,
+    run the the following steps:
+    1.  Let |stack| be a new [=stack=].
+    1.  [=stack/Push=] |I| onto |stack|.
+    1.  [=iteration/While=] |I| [=interface/inherits=] from an [=interface=],
+        1.  Let |I| be that [=interface=].
+        1.  [=stack/Push=] |I| onto |stack|.
+    1.  Return |stack|.
+<div class=example>
+    The following [=IDL fragment=] defines a number of [=interfaces=]
+    which are [=inherited interface|inherited=] or [=consequential interfaces=] of `A`,

Backtick `<code>`ification doesn't seem to have worked for some reason

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