Re: [whatwg/url] Clearly indicate a known issue with ToASCII (#309)

Following tests show, what not all browsers use fast path for ASCII only input:

Input           | URL Standard    | Chrome          | Edge                     | Firefox
ab--c           | _(failure)_     | ab--c           | ab--c                    | ab--c
xn--a           | _(failure)_     | xn--a           | _(failure)_              | xn--a
xn--nxa.xn--nxa | xn--nxa.xn--nxa | xn--nxa.xn--nxa | xn--nxa.xn--nxa<br>β.β   | β.β
xn--nxa.β       | xn--nxa.xn--nxa | xn--nxa.xn--nxa | xn--nxa.xn--nxa<br>β.β   | β.β
ab--c.xn--nxa   | _(failure)_     | ab--c.xn--nxa   | ab--c.xn--nxa<br>ab--c.β | ab--c.β
ab--c.β         | _(failure)_     | _(failure)_     | ab--c.xn--nxa<br>ab--c.β | ab--c.β
xn--a.xn--nxa   | _(failure)_     | xn--a.xn--nxa   | _(failure)_              | xn--a.xn--nxa
xn--a.β         | _(failure)_     | _(failure)_     | _(failure)_              | xn--xn--a-pm43a.β

As you see Edge checks the `xn--` labels for ASCII only input, while Chrome doesn't. The Chrome's behavior doesn't look consistent for me. I think Edge's is better.

Firefox doesn't fail on invalid labels at all and the last test result shows browser's bug, which must be fixed anyway.

_Note:_ I tested with `URL` object, prefixing the input with `http://`. If Edge's result has two lines, then first is host returned in `href`, second - `hostname`.

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