Re: [whatwg/streams] Refactor writable stream erroring to be centralized (#705)

tyoshino commented on this pull request.

> -  stream._storedError = reason;
-  if (stream._pendingAbortRequest === undefined) {
-    const writer = stream._writer;
-    if (writer !== undefined) {
-      defaultWriterReadyPromiseResetToRejected(writer, reason);
-      writer._readyPromise.catch(() => {});
-    }
-  } else {
-    stream._pendingAbortRequest._reject(reason);
-    stream._pendingAbortRequest = undefined;
-  }
-  WritableStreamRejectClosedPromiseInReactionToError(stream);
+  WritableStreamError(stream, error);
+  WritableStreamRejectAbortRequestIfPending(stream);


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