Re: [whatwg/streams] Refactor writable stream erroring to be centralized (#705)

ricea commented on this pull request.

> +  1. Let _startResult_ be ? InvokeOrNoop(*this*.[[underlyingSink]], `"start"`, « *this* »).
+  1. Let _stream_ be *this*.[[controlledWritableStream]].
+  1. Let _startPromise_ be <a>a promise resolved with</a> _startResult_:
+    1. <a>Upon fulfillment</a>  of _startPromise_,
+      1. Set *this*.[[started]] to *true*.
+      1. If _stream_.[[state]] is `"errored"`, perform ! WritableStreamRejectAbortRequestIfPending(_stream_).
+      1. Otherwise, perform ! WritableStreamHandleAbortRequestIfPending(_stream_).
+      1. Perform ! WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(*this*).
+    1. <a>Upon rejection</a> of _startPromise_ with reason _r_,
+      1. Assert: _stream_.[[state]] is `"writable"` or `"errored"`.
+      1. Perform ! WritableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(*this*, _r_).
+      1. Perform ! WritableStreamRejectAbortRequestIfPending(_stream_).

Three blank lines is unusual in (I think this is the only place with 3).

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