Re: [w3c/permissions] "Requesting more permission" algorithms are tightly coupled to prompts (#153)

I think the current text allows the browser to Do The Right Thing, although it doesn't mandate The Right Thing, which is probably correct for permissions. Specifically, says:

> 3. Ask the user’s permission for the calling algorithm to use the powerful feature described by descriptor.
> 4. If the user grants permission, return "granted"; otherwise return "denied". The user’s interaction may provide new information about the user’s intent for this realm and other realms with the same origin.

"the user grants permission" could happen via the prompt or out of line, as you're worried about, and I think the wording says the browser can continue.

"prompt the user to choose" actually wants one of several choices, and it's reasonable to keep waiting for that particular prompt, even if the user grants access via another route. Even then, the UA could interpret that other route as "the user chose an option".

Does that make sense?

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