Re: [whatwg/fetch] Aborting a fetch: The Next Generation (#447)

@jakearchibald I have some proof on concept in this repo, that I could be turned into a FetchController polyfill.

>  Shame it won't work in contexts that don't allow workers.

At least in a browser context, [worker support]( is pretty much everywhere. The _hack_  allows you to cancel a browser's native fetch request. So for this approach to work you need to have both [fetch]( + [worker](, which yields all browsers except IE11, and Opera Mini. In those cases, you can abort an underlying XHR request if using a polyfill.

Outside of the browser context, I guess there is an underlying layer that allows you to abort network requests? :thinking:

Do you think it could be a separate polyfill or should it be included in this same fetch polyfill? 

I'd be happy to contribute :raised_hands: 

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