Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] Request to review First Paint Timing (#177)

So there's some discussion in the linked [Why First Paint as Web Perf API?]( document about the relative value of `first-paint` versus `first-contentful-paint`, pointing out that:
> FP should be monitored by developers as a top level Progress Metric in addition to FCP.
> FP is still necessary even if we have FCP. FP is the first major feedback to the user that “It is happening”. It indicates that the “browser has started rendering”. 
> FCP is less reliable for this first visual indication, because it can move due to adding some minor contentful but meaningless thing such as a copyright image.

This makes me wonder how useful `first-content-paint` is overall.

Was there consideration of adding an API that allows developers to request first-paint data (maybe separately for background, image, text, etc.) for a specific element that they care about the painting of, rather than the potentially-volatile `first-contentful-paint`?  (Does that make things a lot harder, or just a little harder?)

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Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2017 17:23:16 UTC