Re: [w3c/editing] Sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility (#127)

One area that is not well supported in contenteditable is using the keyboard to traverse a "word".
The user should be able to type `Ctrl + right arrow` to move the caret forward one word, and `Ctrl + left arrow` to move backward. But what is a "word"? Currently, the browser gets to decide. But it should be the author determining what makes the most sense for the app. For example, if the contenteditable is representing a code editor, then a "word" is not necessarily surrounded by the whitespace, comma, period of a typical "word" in a word processor. In fact, a code editor may want the definition of "word" to include strings consisting of only symbols. Maybe a "word" should only be a portion of aCamelCaseVariableName. Perhaps the definition of "word" is different in different languages. The point is that there is currently no API currently available to _page authors_ to let them specify "what is the 'word' at this caret position". The browsers have access to the platform API for this, but they currently don't pass it through.

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Received on Thursday, 13 July 2017 02:16:28 UTC