[whatwg/url] Should URL constructors prepend ? when initializing query objects? (#248)

This question comes from the Node.js implementation, refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/11093

The `URL` constructor specifies:

> Set <var>result</var>'s <a for=URL>query object</a> to a <a for=URLSearchParams>new</a>
 {{URLSearchParams}} object using <var>query</var>, and then set that <a for=URL>query object</a>'s
 <a for=URLSearchParams>url object</a> to <var>result</var>

And the `URLSearchParams` constructor specifies:

> If <var>init</var> is given, is a string, and starts with "<code>?</code>", remove the first
 code point from <var>init</var>.

But referencing the getter spec of `url.search`:

>  Return "<code>?</code>", followed by <a>context object</a>'s <a for=URL>url</a>'s <a for=url>query</a>.

one can infer that the `query` of an url should not have the leading `?`, this means:

1. The URL constructor would pass an query with leading `?` stripped to `new URLSearchParams`
2. The `new URLSearchParams` would strip a leading `?` again, in any, but the WPT tests expect `??a=b&c=d` to be serialized as `%3Fa=b&c=d`

AFAICT the `URL` constructor should prepend a `?` here, if we don't introduce a special way to notify the `URLSearchParams` constructor not to strip the leading `?`:

diff --git a/url.bs b/url.bs
index 7988aa2..f1a9c9d 100644
--- a/url.bs
+++ b/url.bs
@@ -2648,7 +2648,8 @@ when invoked, must run these steps:
  <li><p>Set <var>result</var>'s <a for=URL>url</a> to <var>parsedURL</var>.

  <li><p>Set <var>result</var>'s <a for=URL>query object</a> to a <a for=URLSearchParams>new</a>
- {{URLSearchParams}} object using <var>query</var>, and then set that <a for=URL>query object</a>'s
+ {{URLSearchParams}} object using <var>query</var> prepended with the
+ leading <code>?</code>, and then set that <a for=URL>query object</a>'s
  <a for=URLSearchParams>url object</a> to <var>result</var>.

  <li><p>Return <var>result</var>.

Also the definition of `url.query` in `4.1. URL representation` can be a little bit more explicit about the leading `?`. I can put up a PR if this is confirmed.

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