Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Correcting usecache attribute. Fixes #1069 (#1070)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> @@ -1745,8 +1745,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
       1. If the "<code>scope</code>" <a>target attribute</a> of the <code>Link</code> header is present, set |scopeURL| to the result of <a lt="URL parser">parsing</a> the "<code>scope</code>" <a>target attribute</a> with |scriptURL|.
       1. Let |workerType| be the "<code>workertype</code>" <a>target attribute</a> of the <code>Link</code> header, or "<code>classic</code>" if no such attribute is present.
       1. If |workerType| is not a valid {{WorkerType}} value, abort these steps.
-      1. Let |useCache| be the "<code>usecache</code>" <a>target attribute</a> of the <code>Link</code> header, or false if no such attribute is present.
-      1. If |useCache| is not a valid boolean value, abort these steps.
+      1. Let |useCache| be be true if the the <code>Link</code> header has a <a>target attribute</a> named "<code>usecache</code>", otherwise false.

Nits: s/be be/be/, s/the the/the/

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