Re: [whatwg/fetch] Update Fetch to support Token Binding. (#325)

vanupam commented on this pull request.

> +     <li><p>If the user agent supports <span title=concept-token-binding>Token Binding</span>,
+       build a <code title="">Sec-Token-Binding</code> <span title=concept-header>header</span>
+       by running these substeps:
+       <p class="note no-backref">A <code title="">Sec-Token-Binding</code>
+       <span title=concept-header>header</span> allows a server
+       to bind cookies that it issues to a <span title=concept-token-binding-id>Token Binding Id</span>,
+       and to verify that cookies presented by the user agent are bound to the correct
+       <span title=concept-token-binding-id>Token Binding Id</span>.
+       <ol>
+         <li><p>Set the <var>httpRequest</var>'s
+           <span title=concept-request-use-token-binding>use-token-binding flag</span>.
+         <li><p>Initialize <var>tokenBindingMessage</var> to null.
+           <li><p>Let <var>providedTokenBindingId</var> be the result of looking up the
+          <span title=concept-token-binding-id>Token Binding Id</span> for the <var>httpRequest</var>'s
+          <span title=concept-request-current-url>current url</span>.

I will revisit this after the refactor.

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