Re: [heycam/webidl] [WIP] Link legacy APIs within the advisements (#416)

annevk commented on this pull request.

>  </pre>
 <pre class="anchors">
 urlPrefix:; spec: HTML
     type: interface
-        text: Audio; url: dom-audio
-        text: Option; url: dom-option
-        text: Image; url: dom-image
+        text: HTMLAudioElement; url: htmlaudioelement
+        text: HTMLOptionElement; url: htmloptionelement
+        text: HTMLImageElement; url: htmlimageelement
+        text: onmouseenter; for: Document; url: handler-onmouseenter
+        text: onmouseleave; for: Document; url: handler-onmouseleave
+        text: onreadystatechange; for: Document; url: handler-onreadystatechange
+urlPrefix:; spec: FULLSCREEN
+    type: interface;
+        text: fullscreenEnabled; for: Document; url: dom-document-fullscreenenabled
+        text: fullscreen; for: Document; url: dom-document-fullscreen
+        text: fullscreenElement; for: DocumentOrShadowRoot; url: dom-document-fullscreenelement

Yeah I think that's correct.

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