Re: [whatwg/fetch] Editorial: add note on event listeners & preflight (#578)

annevk commented on this pull request.

LGTM with lots of small nits.

> @@ -1003,6 +1003,11 @@ discouraged from using it for new features. It is rather unsafe. "<code>navigate
 <dfn id=use-cors-preflight-flag export for=request>use-CORS-preflight flag</dfn>. Unless stated
 otherwise, it is unset.
+<p class="note no-backref">The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a> being set is just one of several
+conditions that can result in a <a>CORS-preflight request</a>. The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a>

s/can result/results/

> @@ -1003,6 +1003,11 @@ discouraged from using it for new features. It is rather unsafe. "<code>navigate
 <dfn id=use-cors-preflight-flag export for=request>use-CORS-preflight flag</dfn>. Unless stated
 otherwise, it is unset.
+<p class="note no-backref">The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a> being set is just one of several
+conditions that can result in a <a>CORS-preflight request</a>. The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a>
+will be set if either one or more event listeners are registered on an {{XMLHttpRequestUpload}}

s/will be set/is set/

> @@ -1003,6 +1003,11 @@ discouraged from using it for new features. It is rather unsafe. "<code>navigate
 <dfn id=use-cors-preflight-flag export for=request>use-CORS-preflight flag</dfn>. Unless stated
 otherwise, it is unset.
+<p class="note no-backref">The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a> being set is just one of several
+conditions that can result in a <a>CORS-preflight request</a>. The <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a>
+will be set if either one or more event listeners are registered on an {{XMLHttpRequestUpload}}
+object, or else if a {{ReadableStream}} object is used for uploads.

s/, or else/or if/ (I think that looks better)
s/for uploads/in a request/

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