Re: [whatwg/xhr] Add note about event listeners causing preflight (#148)

annevk approved this pull request.

LGTM with a couple of nits.

> @@ -408,6 +408,12 @@ the row where the value in the cell in the first column is <a>context object</a>
 <p>The <a>synchronous flag</a>, <a>upload complete flag</a>, and
 <a>upload listener flag</a> are initially unset.
+<p class=note id=event-listeners-and-preflight>Registering one or more
+event listeners on an {{XMLHttpRequestUpload}} object will trigger user
+agents to perform a <a>CORS-preflight request</a>. (That is because
+registering an event listener causes the <a>upload listener flag</a> to be
+set, which in turn causes the <a>use-CORS-preflight flag</a> to be set.)

Could you use `class="note no-backref"` please? And maybe s/trigger user agents to perform/result in/. Also, 100 columns please.

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