Re: [whatwg/dom] Match querySelector for pseudo elements (::slotted()) (#463)

Ugh, sorry for not responding.

So, there's definitely nothing capable of representing pseudo-elements in JS, so nothing to return if the selector is `::before` or something.  But `::slotted()`, like `::part()`, is a pseudo-element in syntax, but doesn't point to a pseudo-element in the DOM; there's a real element there that's being pointed to, it's just not visible using the standard tree-walking combinators.  I believe these should work, and return the element they point to.  (In other words, I think YES is the correct answer for 1.)

On the spec-language front, dbaron recently rewrote the "match a selector against a tree" algorithm, and I need to do a more detailed review of it now. I can make sure it handles this case.

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