Re: [whatwg/fetch] Queue "process request body" tasks during request body transmission (#532)

annevk commented on this pull request.

Found a couple of nits and a question about the overall structure of this algorithm.

-     <li><p>Increase <var>body</var>'s <a for=body>transmitted bytes</a> by <var>bytes</var>'s
-     length.
+      <p class="note no-backref">This substep blocks until entire <var>bs</var> is transmitted.
      <li><p>Run the above step again.

Which step does this refer to?

> @@ -1187,16 +1187,19 @@ or "<code>worker</code>".
     <p>When <var>read</var> is fulfilled with an object whose <code>done</code>
     property is false and whose <code>value</code> property is a
-    <code>Uint8Array</code> object, run these substeps:
+    <code>Uint8Array</code> object, run these substeps <a>in parallel</a>:

Can we use "steps" here rather than "substeps"?

-     <li><p>Increase <var>body</var>'s <a for=body>transmitted bytes</a> by <var>bytes</var>'s
-     length.
+      <p class="note no-backref">This substep blocks until entire <var>bs</var> is transmitted.

s/entire bs is/bs is fully/

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