Re: [whatwg/streams] Don't mandate transform method in TransformStream (#573)

tyoshino commented on this pull request.


> @@ -4,18 +4,10 @@ const test = require('tape-catch');
 const readableStreamToArray = require('./utils/readable-stream-to-array.js');
-test('Pass-through sync TransformStream: can read from readable what is put into writable', t => {
+test('identity TransformStream: can read from readable what is put into writable', t => {

identity -> Identity
for consistency with other test descriptions

> @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ exports.PromiseInvokeOrNoop = (O, P, args) => {
-exports.PromiseInvokeOrFallbackOrNoop = (O, P1, args1, P2, args2) => {
+exports.PromiseInvokeOrFallback = (O, P1, args1, F, args2) => {


The arguments should be also renamed. Maybe
- P1 -> P
- args1 -> args
- args2 -> argsF

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