Re: [w3c/webcomponents] slotchange not firing for changes to single text node (#592)

So to clarify, editing innerHTML should replace the text node, which *should* or *shouldn't* fire a slotchange event?

Here's my understanding:

MDN says about the `childList` element: 
>> Set to true if additions and removals of the target node's child elements (including text nodes) are to be observed.

My naive understanding is that listening for slotchange is akin to using a MutationOberserver with `{childList: true, subtree: false}`.

So, given an element containing a single TextNode: if setting its innerHTML to a single line of text is supposed to remove the old TextNode and add a new one, then it sounds like a MutationObserver with `subtree: false` would notice that, and that a slotchange event `should` fire.

Of that's the case, do I need to file a bug report somewhere? Also seems like something that might need to be polyfilled.

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