[w3c/webcomponents] Style ::slotted children (#594)


as it is explained here: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/getting-started/primers/shadowdom#stylinglightdom you can only select a direct item within the `slot`.

So if this is in our `slot`

  <h2>Eric Bidelman</h2>
  <span class="title">
    Digital Jedi, <span class="company">Google</span>

There is no way of styling `.company`. I understand that the idea is that slotted content may be anything and is added by the user and this should be styled by the user.

However, I am running into issues with this. I am adding stuff to the slot from within my `connectedCallback` because I am building form elements. This means I need to add a checkbox into the slot so its in the same dom as the form in which the user puts this element.

My desired html would be like this:

    <input type="checkbox" name="test" style="opacity: 0;" />
    <div class="material-toggle__switch">
        <div class="material-toggle__knob"></div>
    <div class="material-toggle__label">${this.innerHTML}</div>

However I want to style `.material-toggle__switch` and `.material-toggle__knob` depending on the `:checked` state f the input. This is not possible as `label` is the only element I can reach with `::slotted`.

The only solution is to listen for a `change` event and add an active class to `.material-toggle__switch` with this html:

          <div class="material-toggle__switch">
              <div class="material-toggle__knob"></div>

While it works, it feels very inconvenient. Am I doing it wrong, or is there a way to improve this?

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Received on Saturday, 22 October 2016 08:53:20 UTC