Re: [whatwg/streams] Add tests for WritableStreamDefaultWriter and Controller constructors (#544)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> @@ -197,3 +197,15 @@ promise_test(() => {
           assert_equals(writeCount, numberOfWrites, `should have called sink's write ${numberOfWrites} times`));
 }, 'a large queue of writes should be processed completely');
+promise_test(() => {
+  const stream = recordingWritableStream();
+  const w = stream.getWriter();
+  const WritableStreamDefaultWriter = w.constructor;
+  w.releaseLock();
+  const writer = new WritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream);

Nah, this is intended, just a little silly. IMO constructors should only be prohibited from working when doing so would break an invariant (like 1 controller <-> 1 stream). That's not the case here so it's good to have a working constructor, even if it's hidden by default.

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