Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] (WIP) Bikeshed cleanup (#1014)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> -          <ol>
-            <li>Create an event <var>e</var> that uses the {{ExtendableMessageEvent}} interface, with the event type {{message!!event}}, which does not bubble and is not cancelable.</li>
-            <li>Let the {{ExtendableMessageEvent/data}} attribute of <var>e</var> be initialized to <var>clonedMessage</var>.</li>
-            <li>Let the {{ExtendableMessageEvent/origin}} attribute of <var>e</var> be initialized to the <a lt="Unicode serialization of an origin">Unicode serialization</a> of <var>incumbentSettings</var>'s <a for="resource">origin</a>.</li>
-            <li>If <var>incumbentGlobal</var> is a {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object, let the {{ExtendableMessageEvent/source}} attribute of <var>e</var> be initialized to a new {{ServiceWorker}} object that represents <var>incumbentGlobal</var>'s <a for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">service worker</a>.</li>
-            <li>Else if <var>incumbentGlobal</var> is a {{Window}} object, let the {{ExtendableMessageEvent/source}} attribute of <var>e</var> be initialized to a new {{WindowClient}} object that represents <var>incumbentGlobal</var>'s <a for="/">browsing context</a>.</li>
-            <li>Else, let it be initialized to a new {{Client}} object that represents the worker associated with <var>incumbentGlobal</var>.</li>
-            <li>Let the {{ExtendableMessageEvent/ports}} attribute of <var>e</var> be initialized to <var>newPorts</var>.</li>
-            <li><a>Dispatch</a> <var>e</var> at <var>destination</var>.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>The <a>task</a> <em class="rfc2119" title="MUST">must</em> use the <a>DOM manipulation task source</a>.</p>
-        </li>
-      </ol>
+      The <dfn method for="ServiceWorker"><code>postMessage(|message|, |transfer|)</code></dfn> method *must* run these steps:
+        1. If the {{ServiceWorker/state}} attribute value of the <a>context object</a> is "<code>redundant</code>", <a>throw</a> an "{{InvalidStateError}}" exception and abort these steps. 

`{{ServiceWorkerState/"redundant"}}` would be nice.

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