Re: [whatwg/fullscreen] Decide whether to resize synchronously in requestFullscreen() (#64)

foolip commented on this pull request.

> +    <p>If any of the following conditions are false, then set <var>error</var> to true:
+    <ul>
+     <li><p>The <a>fullscreen element ready check</a> for <var>pending</var> returns true.
+     <!-- cross-process; check is only needed on pending as it is recursive already -->
+     <li>
+      <p><var>pending</var>'s <a>node document</a>'s <a>top-level browsing context</a>'s
+      <a>active document</a> is <var>topLevelDoc</var>.
+      <!-- cross-process -->
+      <p class=note><var>pending</var> may have moved to another <a>top-level browsing context</a>
+      since the request.
+    </ul>
+   <li><p>If <var>error</var> is true, <a>fire an event</a> named <code>fullscreenerror</code> on
    <var>pending</var>'s <a>node document</a>, reject <var>promise</var> with a
    <code>TypeError</code> exception, and terminate these steps.

Yes, both in the case where the element was removed after the request and if it was moved to another window as in, we might have gone fullscreen but there's nothing to make the fullscreen element. Calling "fully exit fullscreen" would do nothing, so I think your suggestion is the best here. I'll try an edit.

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