Re: [heycam/webidl] Update attribute setter/getters in various ways (#217)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> -        that is a [=promise type=], then:
-        1.  Let |reject| be the initial value of [=%Promise%=].reject.
-        1.  Return the result of calling |reject| with [=%Promise%=] as the <emu-val>this</emu-val> object
-            and the exception as the single argument value.
-    1.  Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
-1.  Let |F| be [=!=] [=CreateBuiltinFunction=](|realm|,
-    |steps|, the [=%FunctionPrototype%=] of |realm|).
-1.  Perform [=!=] [=SetFunctionName=](|F|, |id|).
-1.  Let |S| be the [=effective overload set=] for [=regular operations=] (if |op| is a regular
-    operation) or for [=static operations=] (if |op| is a static operation) with [=identifier=] |id|
-    on |target| and with argument count 0.
-1.  Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list in the entries in |S|.
-1.  Perform [=!=] [=DefinePropertyOrThrow=](|F|, "length",
-    PropertyDescriptor<span class="prop-desc">{\[[Value]]: |length|, \[[Writable]]: <emu-val>false</emu-val>, \[[Enumerable]]: <emu-val>false</emu-val>, \[[Configurable]]: <emu-val>true</emu-val>}</span>).
+<div algorithm>
+    To <dfn id="dfn-create-operation-function" lt="creating an operation function">create an operation function</dfn>,

Separated out into #232, but this PR for now is on top of that so it's included here.

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