[heycam/webidl] Differences between "normal" platform objects and "normal" JavaScript classes (#226)

Some are mentioned in https://github.com/tc39/proposals/pull/30#issuecomment-252719023 by @domenic:

* enumerable (Web IDL) vs. non-enumerable (conventional for ES)
* statics being functions (Web IDL) vs. methods (conventional for ES)

I believe in Gecko at least typeof will also be different.

This means for instance that https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/ cannot be done in IDL and that https://url.spec.whatwg.org/ expressed in TC39-language would have slightly different behavior.

That seems suboptimal, especially if there's still hope to eventually bridge the chasm somehow.

As a start, having it clearly documented how "normal" platform objects differ from "normal" JavaScript classes would be good.

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