Re: [w3c/manifest] Support window preferred/initial sizes (#436)

I just wanted to point out that PWAs generally should support any sizes and be responsive, but I do think that a preferred size is quite valuable

- a calculator doesn't require much size and would usually be use on top of other apps, same would go for many chat apps - both the calculator and the chat app can easily work well on bigger sizes. I would prefer these to start at around the standard size of phone apps, but I wouldn't want all apps to start at that size on my desktop.
- a small radio player (like the music player on chrome os) might want to stay small and mostly out of the way
- some apps simply makes no sense when too small (smaller than a phone screen) like a spreadsheet app. Currently apps can create a media query and say "please make me bigger". Personally, I think the OS should probably have a default minimum size, which apps could override if they want to be smaller.

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