Re: [ServiceWorker] why does Register algorithm step 5.3.1 check for an active worker? (#856)

Chrome's implementation seems to predate the spec here, and it does a check but it's slightly different: if there's no active worker, then continue to Update. Nothing about the newest worker.

I think I just wanted to avoid register() triggering an update when the registration was already settled. If there's no active worker, then it's considered unsettled. Our code has a comment:

  // "If newestWorker is not null, and scriptURL is equal to
  // newestWorker.scriptURL, then:
  // Return a promise resolved with registration."
  // We resolve only if there's an active version. If there's not,
  // then there is either no version or only a waiting version from
  // the last browser session; it makes sense to proceed with registration in
  // either case.
  if (existing_registration->active_version()) {
    ResolvePromise(status, std::string(), existing_registration.get());

The comment mentions "no version" registrations, which should be no longer possible.

Does Firefox early exit in all cases?

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