Re: [webcomponents] Large custom element spec rewrite to implement some F2F decisions (#405)

> -    <dd><var>DOCUMENT</var>, method's <a href="">context object</a>, a <a href="">document</a></dd>
> -    <dd><var id="var-document-register-type">TYPE</var>, the <a>custom element type</a> of the element being registered</dd>
> -    <dd><var id="var-options-prototype">PROTOTYPE</var>, the <a>custom element prototype</a>, optional</dd>
> -    <dd><var id="var-options-extends">EXTENDS</var>, the <a href="">local name</a> of an <a href="">HTML</a> or <a href="">SVG</a> <a href="">element</a> that is being extended, optional</dd>
> -<dt>Output</dt>
> -    <dd><var>CONSTRUCTOR</var>, the <a>custom element constructor</a></dd>
> -</dl>
> -<ol class='algorithm'>
> -    <li>If <var>PROTOTYPE</var> is <strong>null</strong>, let <var>PROTOTYPE</var> be the result of invoking <a href=""><code>Object.create</code></a> with <a href=""><code>HTMLElement</code></a>'s <a href="">interface prototype object</a> as only argument</li>
> -    <li>Let <var>NAME</var> be <var>EXTENDS</var></li>
> -    <li>Let <var>ERROR</var> be the result of running the <a>element registration algorithm</a> with <var>DOCUMENT</var>, <var>TYPE</var>, <var>PROTOTYPE</var>, and <var>NAME</var> as arguments</li>
> -    <li>If <var>ERROR</var> is <code>InvalidType</code>, <a href="">throw</a> a <code>SyntaxError</code> and <strong>stop</strong>.</li>
> -    <li>If <var>ERROR</var> is not <code>None</code>, <a href="">throw</a> a <code>NotSupportedError</code> and <strong>stop</strong>.</li>
> -    <li>Return result of running <a data-lt="custom element constructor generation algorithm">custom element constructor generation algorithm</a> with <var>DOCUMENT</var> and <var>PROTOTYPE</var> as arguments.</li>
> +<ol>
> +    <li>Let <var>type</var> be <a href="">converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.</li>

This should only happen in a HTML document, not a XML document.
Also, aren't we disallowing/throwing when there is an uppercase ASCII letter in the tag name?
Also, I'd prefer calling this as tag name since that's what it is.

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Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:49:46 UTC