[w3c/editing] How to combine data and transferData attributes? (#131)

As requested by the meeting of the browser makers, we have added a dataTransfer object to hold data about content that is to be added that is more than just simple text input. This can be obtained using:
A version of the same data converted to plain text can be obtained using:

Now the question is, what should the relation between the plain text version and the value of `event.data` be. There is currently only one `inputtype` of the `beforeinput` event for which the `data` attribute is used (`insertText`).

Would it simpliufy things if we:

A) Use the `dataTransfer` object for all inputtypes where content data is involved and additionally the `data` attribute for the `insertText` inputtype? (current option)

B) Use the `dataTransfer` object for all inputtypes where content data is involved and not use the `data` attribute at all?

C) Use the dataTransfer object for all inputtypes where content data is involved except the `insertText` inputtype for which we use the `data` attribute?

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