Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] (WIP) Navigation preload (#983)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2760,6 +2847,21 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
           1. Set |registration| to the result of running <a>Match Service Worker Registration</a> algorithm passing |request|'s [=request/url=] as the argument.
           1. If |registration| is null or |registration|'s <a>active worker</a> is null, return null.
           1. If |request|'s [=request/destination=] is not {{RequestDestination/"report"}}, set |reservedClient|'s <a>active service worker</a> to |registration|'s <a>active worker</a>.
+          1. If |request| is a [=navigation request=] and |registration|'s [=navigation preload enabled flag=] is set, and |request|'s [=request/method=] is "`GET`", then:
+              1. Let |preloadRequest| be the result of [=request/cloning=] the request |request|
+              1. Let |preloadRequestHeaders| be |preloadRequest|'s [=request/header list=]
+              1. Let |preloadResponseObject| be a new {{Response}} object and a new associated {{Headers}} object whose [=guard=] is "`immutable`"

I think this one hasn't been addressed yet? I missed that the value of the guard is just a string, so it seems it should be "\<code>immutable\</code>".

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