Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Opt cache.add/addAll and importScripts out of a local service worker (#1025)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> @@ -1862,6 +1862,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
             1. If |r|'s [=request/url=]'s [=url/scheme=] is not one of "<code>http</code>" and "<code>https</code>", then:
                 1. [=fetch/Terminate=] all the ongoing <a>fetches</a> initiated by |requests| with reason *fatal*.
                 1. Break the loop.
+            1. If |r|'s [=request/client=]'s [=environment settings object/global object=] is a {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object, set |request|'s [=skip-local-service-worker flag=].

OK. Missed that. I'll check that.

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