Re: [w3c/editing] Should we propose "::caret" pseudo-element to CSS WG? (#158)

Using a pseudo element would have some advantages, such as:

* JavaScript developers are familiar with styling pseudo elements.

* It will likely allow for more styling options that developers happen to want to do that browser developers didn't think made sense for them.

* It may be easier to get browsers who are not that interested in the details of text editing in extending a standard system to also cover carets  rather than go into large and detailed discussions about something they only have a peripheral interest in.

On the other hand, Florian has a point that there may be styling needs for carets that could not be covered by using a pseudo element. Maybe we should start by trying to list those styling needs that could not be covered with current CSS, if the caret was a pseudo element?

In this connection it also needs to be added that JS editor developers have expressed a strong wish to obtain the exact coordinates of the caret in the past. They have these coordinates 98+% of the time, which generally is good enough to use this information for other purposes, but the remaining 2% mean that the user gets a less-than-perfect experience. 

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Received on Friday, 9 December 2016 08:39:10 UTC