Re: [w3c/touch-events] note about avoiding conditional "touch OR mouse/keyboard" event handling (#72)

> +if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
> +  // set up event listeners for touch
> +  target.addEventListener('touchend', ...);
> +  ...
> +} else {
> +  // set up event listeners for mouse/keyboard
> +  target.addEventListener('click', ...);
> +  ...
> +}
> +</code></pre>
> +      <p>Instead, developers should handle different forms of input concurrently.</p>
> +<pre class="example"><code>
> +// concurrent "touch AND mouse/keyboard" event binding
> +
> +// set up event listeners for touch
> +target.addEventListener('touchend', ...);

avoided doing that, because later i talk about both doing preventDefault AND the possibility of using InputDeviceCapabilities, so i'd possibly need to do both (unless i reword it slightly, hmmm)

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