Re: [ServiceWorker] Does a SW control a page outside its scope reached by a redirect? (#706)

@jakearchibald  Thanks for the explanations. Just want to be sure Chrome is doing this right. I have a question about the same-origin, ``event.respondWith(fetch('url-that-redirects'))`` case. What happens in this case:

* SW a.js
// controls scope '/A/'
onfetch = function(e) {
  if (e.request.url.indexOf('redirect') != -1) {

* SW b.js
// controls scope '/B/'
onfetch = function(e) {
  e.respondWith(new Response('hello from SW B'));

* The server responds to ``/http-302`` with HTTP 302 to ``B/hello``
* Otherwise, if no SW intercepts a request, the server responds with ``hello from server``.

You navigate to ``A/redirect``. I get that the URL in the location bar would be ``A/redirect``, and the controller would be ``a.js``. Is the document content ``hello from SW B`` or ``hello from server``?

Current Chrome is from server.

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