[webcomponents] [Custom]: Add the possibility to extend the custom element (bugzilla: 26583) (#201)

Title: [Custom]: Add the possibility to extend the custom element (bugzilla: 26583)

Migrated from: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26583

comment: 0
comment_url: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26583#c0
** wrote on 2014-08-14 08:41:54 +0000.


var Modal = document.registerElement('x-modal', {
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement, {/* modal generic prototype */})
var WebcamModal = document.registerElement('x-webcam', {
  extends: 'x-modal',
  prototype: Object.create(Modal, {
    /* webcam modal specific prototype */
    show: {
        value: function() {
          // run webcam

\<x-modal is="webcam">\</x-modal\>

And will be cool if will be possible to have a non-dashed name of extend name (is="webcam" instead is="x-webcam").


comment: 1
comment_url: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26583#c1
*Tab Atkins Jr.* wrote on 2014-08-14 14:57:20 +0000.

There is no "non-dashed version" of a name, because there's no common structure to the name that we can safely ignore.  The sole requirements it that a dash appears *somewhere* in the name, so it can occur between or around significant or insignificant parts, and there's no way to tell automatically what parts are insignificant.

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