- From: Michael van Ouwerkerk <notifications@github.com>
- Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 08:56:45 -0800
- To: slightlyoff/ServiceWorker <ServiceWorker@noreply.github.com>
Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 16:57:15 UTC
The current spec attaches very little meaning to calling waitUntil for events other than the `install` and `activate` events. The only meaning seems to be that the promises are added to `extend lifetime promises`. Can we have some additional text that says something along the lines of: "The Service Worker should not be terminated until the `extend lifetime promises` have been settled. However, a time limit may be applied to this lifetime in order to kill endless loops and similar bad code." It would be phrased differently in the spec, but hopefully you get the gist of it. --- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker/issues/554#issuecomment-68893592
Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 16:57:15 UTC