[uievents] Firing of click event after mousedown/up has two different definitions (#61)

(1) "The click event MAY be preceded by the mousedown and mouseup events on the same element, disregarding changes between other node types (e.g., text nodes)."

(2) "Each implementation will determine the appropriate hysteresis tolerance, but in general SHOULD fire click and dblclick events when the event target of the associated mousedown and mouseup events is the same element with no mouseout or mouseleave events intervening, and SHOULD fire click and dblclick events on the nearest common inclusive ancestor when the associated mousedown and mouseup event targets are different."

(1) requires mousedown/up happening on the same element, (2) doesn't.

Also, (2) is vague. Why the requirement for "with no mouseout or mouseleave events intervening" when the other case doesn't have such limitation but just
"on the nearest common inclusive ancestor when the associated mousedown and mouseup event targets are different."

Also, at which point is "nearest common inclusive ancestor" calculated?
Does UA need to store event target chain when mousedown is dispatched and then compare it to the event target chain of mouseup?
What if mousedown's target is moved from document A to document B, and mouseup happens over target when it is in document B.
document B wouldn't have got mousedown, but gets mouseup and click?

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