from March 2016 by subject

[Bug 17713] Exceptions thrown from event handlers should not be propagated

[Bug 18540] Proposal for a new acceptNode() return value for TreeWalker.

[Bug 19962] Add insertAdjacentText and insertAdjacentElement?

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22705] createImageBitmap in WorkerGlobalScope can only take a subset ImageBitmapSource types

[Bug 23250] No way with mutation observers to watch mutations to an element's parent

[Bug 24318] Define the Realm of objects

[Bug 24652] Deal with associated global / Realm

[Bug 24751] "continue"

[Bug 25529] Cloning should be atomic

[Bug 26365] [Shadow]: Need an equivalent definition of 'in a Document' for shadow trees

[Bug 27114] Make DOMTokenList constructible

[Bug 27228] Inconsistency in characters allowed in attribute names between setAttribute and HTML syntax specs

[Bug 27424] Node.isSameNode() has non-trivial usage

[Bug 28097] surroundContents should check host-inclusive

[Bug 28455] Add a method to add a one-time event listener

[Bug 28798] Make BufferSource more convenient to use

[Bug 28841] Incorporate changes suggested by Mixed Content

Last message date: Friday, 25 March 2016 13:38:22 UTC