from August 2016 by subject

[Bug 12837] Define unloading document cleanup steps

[Bug 20322] Upload progress events vs CORS

[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22960] Document, XMLDocument, HTMLDocument, oh my

[Bug 23602] "optional any" is nonsense that should be disallowed

[Bug 25002] Event.returnValue

[Bug 25412] Allow some recursion in NodeIterator/TreeWalker

[Bug 25529] Cloning should be atomic

[Bug 25589] To improve readability, set response to null rather than network error

[Bug 26143] Create request early on

[Bug 26153] Allow ArrayBuffer as argument to send()

[Bug 26736] Does the final progress event need to be dispatched after readystatechange?

[Bug 26917] For any chunk, progress event should be fired at least in 50ms since the arrival of the chunk

[Bug 27114] Make DOMTokenList constructible

[Bug 27386] Removing createCDATASection() unlikely to be successful

[Bug 27650] Add range.insert(nodes...)

[Bug 28107] TreeWalker nextNode never ascends the tree

[Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications

[Bug 28505] Synchronous XHR removal makes patching Error.prepareStackTrace impossible

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 August 2016 20:27:36 UTC