from October 2015 by subject

[Bug 12584] outerHTML should probably merge with adjacent text nodes if applicable. IE seems to do this to some extent, and WebKit just changed to do it: <> This test shows behavior for outerText and outerHTML: <http://so

[Bug 14214] missing definition of Transferable

[Bug 14828] Import Hixie's tests?

[Bug 15279] Update WebSockets tests to remove support for MozWebSocket

[Bug 16935] Update WebIDL syntax in Level 1

[Bug 17871] Element attributes should not be required to be stored in an ordered list

[Bug 18242] Not clear what "script that invoked the method" means exactly in the case of e.g. a.setTimeout(b.postMessage, 0) // called from c

[Bug 19431] Namespace of elements made via .createElement() in XML documents must be null

[Bug 19771] Need way to determine what keys are supported on device.

[Bug 20247] [Shadow]: Update constraints around stopping events

[Bug 20683] [Imports]: Write HTML Imports spec

[Bug 21083] Proposal key names for Android

[Bug 21120] Define TV or A/V remote controller's keys

[Bug 21121] Define mobile phone related keys

[Bug 21136] Define Home key and Back key of Android smartphone

[Bug 21137] Define key names for game controller of Android

[Bug 21830] KeyboardEvent.locale is too general.

[Bug 22059] Composition dictionary should be changed

[Bug 22569] MouseEvent should have DOMString pseudoElement property like TransitionEvent

[Bug 22824] Remove Date from WebIDL

[Bug 22891] Mechanism to differentiate pointer input from multiple users/devices missing

[Bug 23259] Expose ticks in wheel events

[Bug 23575] The paragraph about patent policy is duplicated.

[Bug 23907] How do web apps distinguish if a keydown event causes text input?

[Bug 24586] Remove FileList

[Bug 24732] Remove DOMError from FileAPI

[Bug 25039] Dependency on "System Messages"

[Bug 25040] [OMA-PUSH] reference should be more specific

[Bug 25108] Remove or move normative refs for OMA-PUSH, etc.

[Bug 25109] Make "DOM4" a normative reference

[Bug 25485] D3E and corelation with DOM4(W3C)/DOM(WHATWAG) and DOM3 Core

[Bug 25655] Proposal for UIEvent "role" property

[Bug 25844] Clarify or change the use of "default action" to avoid confusion

[Bug 25927] Specify the Event Loop integration for various non-deprecated events, incl. hit testing

[Bug 25928] Converge with CSSOM-View

[Bug 25967] Testing DOM L3 Events

[Bug 25968] Needs clearer definition of virtual keyboard's KeyboardEvent.code value if it doesn't emulate physical key event completely

[Bug 26141] [D3E-Key] Needs more explicit explanation of "MediaSelect", "LaunchMediaPlayer" and "MediaApps"

[Bug 26218] When .getModifierState("OS") should be true?

[Bug 26227] Define that click doesn't fire on disabled elements

[Bug 26302] Please add a FileList constructor

[Bug 26502] Need to define UIEvent or link to where it's normatively defined

[Bug 26611] [Proposal] Add "Zoom" event

[Bug 26984] Remove legacyiterable

[Bug 26985] Remove requirement for prose around iterable<> if object has indexed properties

[Bug 27108] Push API should be allowed without dependency on service worker

[Bug 27129] [D3E-key]: Separator

[Bug 27196] Blob URL origin

[Bug 27284] Should InvalidAccessError be discouraged?

[Bug 27333] Most user agents (Chrome, Firefox) seem to distinguish between space and enter. Enter submits the form, even for radio buttons, space selects the checkbox.

[Bug 27337] For synthetic activation, should the original event still be dispatched?

[Bug 27469] [imports]: Typo: missing word 'the' before 'import link tree'

[Bug 27558] Specify MouseEvent.which

[Bug 27705] Extended attribute "Exposed" should use parentheses

[Bug 27721] Partial interfaces must not inherit

[Bug 27825] DOM Level 3 KeyboardEvent key Values specification does not include core key values

[Bug 27827] Need to remove input/beforeinput event info from D3E and point to input event spec

[Bug 27915] Clients of WebSockets are not NTP synced (and there is no NTP-alike spec)

[Bug 27996] [D3E-code] KeyboardEvent code spec should have featurephone section

[Bug 28029] Mouse coordinates represented in CSS pixels do not account for retina displays with window.devicePixelRatio > 1.

[Bug 28119] Reference to createEvent("FocusEvent")

[Bug 28373] FilePropertyBag can inherit from BlobPropertyBag

[Bug 28460] Request fullscreen on both iframe and elements inside it could cause undesired result

[Bug 28496] Allow Blob constructor to take ownership of ArrayBuffer(View) / invoke DetachArrayBuffer

[Bug 28731] CompositionEvent constructor arguments name are atypical

[Bug 28732] Bug filing script doesn't select the component

[Bug 28733] FocusEvent.initFocusEvent is not needed for web compat

[Bug 28734] CustomEvent.initCustomEvent() is in DOM

[Bug 28735] "Introduced in this specification" in IDL not helpful

[Bug 28823] Course of action even after Event Source retry failure.

[Bug 28841] Incorporate changes suggested by Mixed Content

[Bug 28890] scroll should be a simple Event not a UIEvent

[Bug 28924] Is CompositionEvent supposed to have .locale?

[Bug 28938] Consider adding sourceDevice property to UIEvent

[Bug 28967] "Legacy" appendices should be normative

[Bug 29068] Should not reocmmend DocumentEvent.createEvent

[Bug 29136] Keyboard events should specify their target when more than 1 document exists

[Bug 29166] New: Fragment serializing algorithm has wrong behaviour for passing node

[Bug 29174] New: ProcessingInstruction node is correct (as context) for Range.createContextualFragment() method

[Bug 29175] New: Special rules for HTML element in HTML document for Element.insertAdjacentHTML() are necessary?

[Bug 29175] Special rules for HTML element in HTML document for Element.insertAdjacentHTML() are necessary?

[Bug 29183] New: Objects that implement an [Unforgeable] interface should have a non-configurable @@toPrimitive method

[Bug 29183] Objects that implement an [Unforgeable] interface should have a non-configurable @@toPrimitive method

[Bug 29240] New: Clarify whether NaN is allowed in float/double types

Last message date: Monday, 26 October 2015 18:07:12 UTC