[Bug 21959] [Shadow]: @host rules should be overridden by selectors in document


--- Comment #2 from Dominic Cooney <dominicc@chromium.org> ---
I was chatting with tasak about this. The super specificity of @host rules [1]
was added to the spec so that there's a defined cascade for @host rules.

You could also say they have "super negative specificity" and maybe get
something like the "default" behavior that you want.

However he pointed out a problem to me: Since that line was written, @host
semantics have gotten richer, so now you could have @host rules in different
ShadowRoots overlapping, and there is no defined cascade order for them.

So I think the solution here is to define an "order specified" for the CSS
cascade that includes ShadowRoots.

Although it is harder than just saying "@host rules have high/low specificity",
I think it is necessary, because:

1. It defines what the behavior with multiple overlapping @host rules
contributing styles from multiple ShadowRoots should be.

2. It allows more fine-grained control, for example, selector specificity makes
sense again... #id selectors will be specific again.

I *think* that the order should be: I. ShadowRoots come before the
document/ShadowRoot their hosts are in (this gives you the "default" behavior
you want for theming); II. older ShadowRoots should come before younger ones.

I. gives you an outside-in precedence, so that if you have an outer component
providing a theme, it will apply over the @host rules of the inner component.
Is this what you'd want?

[1] "When a rule in @host @-rule matches an element, it must have higher
specificity than any selector, but lower specificity than declarations from a
style attribute."

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Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2013 06:40:47 UTC