[Bug 21390] [Shadow]: add support for styling shadowDOM contents based on host element


--- Comment #2 from Steve Orvell <sorvell@chromium.org> ---
(In reply to comment #1)
> Since "match .foo shadowDOM children inside host elements matching .bar",
> ".bar::shadow(:root > .foo)" doesn't match a host element whose class is bar
> and whose shadow root has any direct child whose class is foo.

I'm not sure I follow this. Are you just saying that we're changing the @host
rule from always matching the host element to matching other elements? If so,
then yes, that's the goal of adding ::shadow, to be able to style shadowDOM
elements based on the host's selectors.

> So, if we write the followings, what elements should the followings match?
> @host {  
>   .bar::shadow(:root > .foo) > div {
>      ....
>   }
>   .bar::shadow(:root > .foo) div {
>      ....
>   }
> }
> Are the above rules the same as the followings?
> @host {  
>   .bar::shadow(:root > .foo > div) {
>      ....
>   }
>   .bar::shadow(:root > .foo div) {
>      ....
>   }
> }
> Or should we disallow the above rules?

Yes, the above rules (first set) don't make sense. I vote to disallow that.

This points out that the syntax here is awkward.

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Received on Friday, 17 May 2013 23:05:45 UTC