Re: Proposal to work on Geolocation

Hi, Ian-

Thanks for this proposal.

I strongly believe that W3C should be working on this, and over the last 
few weeks, Mike Smith and I have been talking to key vendors and other 
parties to bring together the proper resources to do this, including 
some discussion at Google.  We have identified several interested parties.

In fact, I proposed on the WebApps WG charter to add this deliverable. 
However, the Advisory Committee's review of the charter indicated that 
the Membership wants this to happen in a dedicated Geolocation API WG.

The W3C intends to follow through on that, and to allocate Team 
resources to this valuable technology.  We will announce something 
formal soon.

Rest assured that Mike and I are intent on ensuring that there is no 
scope creep for this API, and that the Geolocation API WG will take a 
pragmatic, vendor-aware approach, and will act quickly.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Ian Hickson wrote (on 5/27/08 4:39 PM):
> Hi,
> Google would like to volunteer some resources to work on a specification 
> to provide a Geolocation API for the Web platform. Does anyone on the 
> working group think we should not work on this? If not, please consider 
> this a formal proposal from us to adopt a Geolocation API as a work item. 
> Since we need broad working group agreement to add a work item, I propose 
> that we set a deadline of June 4th for dissent, though as Chaals always 
> says, positive assent would be preferred. :-) Chaals, could you do the 
> honours of making this formal? Thanks!
> Background:
> Cheers,


Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2008 21:02:23 UTC