Re: Proposed errata for DOM2 Range regarding insertNode()

Olli Pettay wrote:
> Ian Hickson wrote:
>> The test verifies that when you call insertNode() on a range, the node
>> that is passed is inserted into the range, as is required by DOM2 range
>> section 2.9. Inserting Content, sentences 1 and 2 (before and after the
>> code snippet).
> The 2nd sentence doesn't require adding node to range. It talks about
> context tree which isn't the same thing as range.
> -Olli

"A node may be inserted into a Range using the following method:"
- 'may' is pretty vague.

"The insertNode() method inserts the specified node into the Range's 
context tree. "
- In 2.2.1 "... the content of a Range must be entirely within the
   subtree rooted by a single Document, DocumentFragment or Attr Node.
   This common ancestor container is known as the root container of the
   Range. The tree rooted by the root container is known as the Range's
   context tree."
   So that doesn't say that the node is inserted to Range, but to
   context tree.

"The node is inserted at the start boundary-point of the Range, without 
modifying it."
What does the 'it' actually refer to? Boundary-point or Range or node?
And since end boundary-point isn't mentioned, one could argue that the
behavior defined in 2.12.1 should be used. When the range is collapsed,
the following:
   "Note that when content is inserted at a boundary-point, it is
   ambiguous as to where the boundary-point should be repositioned if
   its relative position is to be maintained. There are two
   possibilities: at the start or at the end of the newly inserted
   content. We have chosen that in this case neither the container nor
   offset of the boundary-point is changed. As a result, the
   boundary-point will be positioned at the start of the newly inserted


Received on Friday, 23 May 2008 13:34:29 UTC