Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

* Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> Being devil's advocate for a sec, having a :scope pseudo-class or some 
>> such would help here, right?
>>   myFooElement.querySelector(":scope > :nth-child(3)")
>That would require an addition to the Selectors spec and that comes
>too late in the process of that spec. I would recommend changing
>the Selectors API on document.querySelector and
>document.querySelectorAll to allow a second argument being a node or
>null. If it's a node, then the results simulate your :scope > SELEC
>above, the scope being that node and SEL being the selector passed as
>the 1st argument. If it's null, well, it does what it does today.

It would be easier to define that, if the argument starts with a non-
white space combinator, it is prefixed with a selector that selects the
element node it is called on and only that node. That would give you


We could also standardize the popular .getChildrenByTagName() method,
that would give the similar


Either would be preferable over

  myFooElement.querySelector(":nth-child(3)", null, myFooElement)

As your proposal would have it.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Saturday, 29 March 2008 17:28:21 UTC