[Element Traversal LC] Minor comments

Some quick comments on the Element Traversal Last Call Working Draft.

These attributes must be read only, but this is only stated in the 
bindings. Shouldn't there be something about this in Section 2?

2.5: typo: "must +be+ counted"

3.2: Is window.innerWidth in any spec? As far as I know, no, so is it 
good to use it?

3.2: The way the position is computed is wrong. It should either be:
var eachWidth = window.innerWidth / (elCount + 1);
instead of
var eachWidth = window.innerWidth / elCount;
if the intention is to leave a space between the window margin and the 
elements, or:
var nextPos = 0;
instead of
var nextPos = eachWidth/2;
if the intention is to leave no space. Also, perhaps the width should 
also be set?
childEl.style.setProperty( 'width', eachWidth + 'px', '' );

B: typo: "Element has -the- all the attributes"

B: Shouldn't the "In a User Agent..." text be placed outside the "code" 
div? In its current position it looks bad all bold, and it also causes:

B: Repetition:
"...has the attributes defined below.
The Element object has the following attributes:"

Sergiu Dumitriu

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 20:09:52 UTC