Re: [selectors-api] Why no querySelector(All) on DocumentFragments?

liorean wrote:
> Isn't this approach potentially much more resource intensive though?

Not for the typical browser workload, which is to match a node to a whole bunch 
of rules....  So I guess it depends on whether querySelector reuses the existing 
selector matching code.

> The Selectors spec doesn't really deal with the DOM though.

But it does.  It's all in terms of a tree and stuff..  The question is whether 
the "tree" for a node is the tree rooted by its ownerDocument or the connected 
tree containing the node.

I should note that interoperability for detached subtrees is pretty poor.  For 
example, consider the following:

javascript:var n = 

Webkit nightly returns null.  IE throws (no :root support).  Gecko prototype 
implementation returns the span, since :root will match any node with no ancestors.

So I do think that the spec needs a lot more detail here...


Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 03:49:00 UTC