Re: [Elemement Traversal LC] why is the interface implemented as attributes in ECMASCRIPT?

Hi, Slim-

liorean wrote (on 3/7/08 10:59 AM):
> On 07/03/2008, Slim Amamou <> wrote:
>> hi,
>> the ElementTraversal interface is bound to readonly attributes in
>> ecmascript, whereas it is bound to methods in java.
>> why?
> Because having things like this as as properties is normal the
> ECMAScript way, but having getter and setter functions is the normal
> Java way.
>> it would be more convenient if it was bound to methods in ecmascript either.
>> i can think of two arguments for this :
>>  - the bindings will be more consistent (so that you don't have
>> "getChildElementCount" and "childElementCount" representing the same
>> binding)
> Having getter and setter functions using method syntax is a distinctly
> foreign way of doing this in JavaScript. Plus, these properties
> analogously match the way it's done for the node traversal bindings in
> our earlier DOM versions. And thirdly, those would be two different
> bindings to the same functionality, not the same binding.

David's explanation is indeed correct (thanks, David).  Does this 
satisfy your comment?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 10:17:35 UTC