Re: XHR setRequestHeader("connection", "close") is bogusly rejected

On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> Kris Zyp wrote:
>>>> However, there are web apps in existence (e.g., Gmail)
>>>> that set the "connection: close" header to inform the
>>>> user-agent that the HTTP transaction is going to take
>>>> a long time.  (This is also informative for the
>>>> server.)  This allows a user-agent to not count this
>>>> connection against the RFC 2616 recommended maximum of
>>>> 2 persistent connections per host.
>> As far as I can tell, Firefox is the only browser that regards  
>> "connection: close" as an indication that the connection should not  
>> be counted against the connection limit
> What gives you that idea? I'm not actually sure since I don't know  
> the inner workings of the network code, but I have never heard of  
> such behavior.

A commenter on this WebKit bug said so: < 
 >. But further testing does not seem to bear out this claim.


Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2008 01:18:42 UTC