More on DOM 3 Test Suite Effort


I am working on:

1) XML Catalog to define metadata for DOM 3 Test Suite
2) Stylesheet to report the metada in a human readable form
3) A Schema to make sure file is valid according to some rules (some I made
up and some we will decide soon).
3) Release Notes Files
4) Readme file.
5) Working on defining tests on XML format and transform them into a
Java Script DOM Level 3 test.

I can either mail these documents out to the list or post them somewhere (will
write privileges, Item number 5 below will take a while 
longer)).  Please advise
on the "somewhere".  I will do a gargantuan effort to get something 
out today, but
time is catching up with me.

A lot of it is based on the approach we took for the XML Query 
Working Group with
some variations of course.


Received on Friday, 7 March 2008 14:51:58 UTC